Minggu, 07 April 2013


DISTRICT URCHIN   DISTRICT JELIMPO VILLAGE CENTER PELUNTAN Address: Hamlet Peluntan Hall, Village Hall Peluntan, Kec.Jelimpo, 79 357 CERTIFICATE OF POPULATION No.: 474.4 / 03 / BLP / 2013 Head of Village Center District Peluntan Jelimpo, Porcupine District hereby stated that the name of this dibahwah: Name: UNYENG Date and Place of Birth: Kebadu, January 15, 1976 Gender: Male Marital Status: Married Already Religion: Catholic Occupation: Farmer Nik: 6I08010610500004 Address: RT: 06/02 Hamlet: Dara ITAM III Village: Hall Peluntan Subdistrict: Jelimpo District: Hedgehogs FACTS a. That the name of the above are true Population III RT.06/RW.02 Itam village Dara District Village Hall Peluntan Jelimpo Porcupine District. b. Concerned that the village came to the office to ask Peluntan Hall Residents Certificate, from the village head Peluntan Hall. c. It is true that the address in question is domiciled as noted in this letter Residents such certificate is made ​​to be used properly.                                                                          IN FOR IN: CENTER PELUNTAN TO DATE: 22 JANUARY 2013 VILLAGE CENTER HEAD PELUNTAN DISTRICT JELIMPO Suandi

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